Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Revista de Investigación Educativa, Intervención Pedagógica y Docencia

Teaching Comprehensive Sexual Education in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: an analysis of the educational approaches of the Initial Level of the Province of Jujuy in the Northwest of Argentina

Zoe Marlene Aleman
Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina.
Víctor Omar Jerez
Universidad Nacional del Jujuy, Argentina
portada del volumen 2, número 1, enero-junio 2024

Published 2024-04-29


  • pandemia;,
  • educación sexual integral;,
  • nivel inicial;,
  • experiencias educativas;,
  • decisiones pedagógicas;

How to Cite

Teaching Comprehensive Sexual Education in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: an analysis of the educational approaches of the Initial Level of the Province of Jujuy in the Northwest of Argentina. (2024). Revista De Investigación Educativa, Intervención Pedagógica Y Docencia, 2(1), 103-127. https://doi.org/10.71770/rieipd.v2i1.2277


In the paper we analyze the approach and implementation of ESI at the Early Childhood Level in urban and
rural contexts, in times of pandemic, from the perspective of teachers and managers.
We analyze the challenges that teachers and parents/families took on in the construction of new
pedagogical tools to sustain the bond in everyday plots, framed from an approach that oriented, guided
and accompanied the children and their families. In contrast to the other educational levels, the
kindergarten needed to deploy other teaching strategies to generate the affective bond that every child
needs at this school age. We also placed in the center of the scene, the new didactic challenges that
reconfigured the teaching work, which allowed to execute the new practices from the
virtuality. Such strategies were implemented by teachers as new educational proposals to be able to
teach in these contexts. Likewise, in this scenario, we analyzed as limitations and obstacles that were
presented in both contexts -urban and rural-, the presence of digital gaps in the face of economic and
social inequalities, and the scarce family participation on the contents that were prioritized over others.
This research was carried out within the framework of the progress made in an ongoing research project
called "Obstacles and possibilities of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the Province of Jujuy"
(SecTER-UNJU/CONICET. Within this framework, we present some advances in the analysis of the
interviews we have conducted with teachers and administrators of the initial level.


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