Assets for the pedagogy of equity and inclusion in basic education in Mexico




activos del aprendizaje, equidad, inclusión, Flexibilidad curricular



This research contextualizes inequality and inequity in education to assess three assets to develop and implement a pedagogy of equity and inclusion in basic school in Mexico: the school inclusion test (political, cultural and practical) that yields a diagnosis, the design of the School Plan for Continuous Improvement, that involves the entire school community and planning to make the curriculum more flexible of basic level based on the principles of Universal Design for Learning. These assets give conceptual and practical meaning to the institutional guidelines and open the possibility for students to be perceived as subjects who have different styles to learn, teachers as a didactic mediator of the curriculum and the school community as a promoter of culture for the participation and learning of all students. The application of these elements is a way of making pedagogy for inclusion and equity, of containing school dropout and segregation, and of rebuilding from within the value of educating. 


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How to Cite

Assets for the pedagogy of equity and inclusion in basic education in Mexico. (2023). Revista De Investigación Educativa, Intervención Pedagógica Y Docencia, 1(1), 108-124.