Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): Revista de Investigación Educativa, Intervención Pedagógica y Docencia

Action Research in the Field of Music Education

Raúl Wenceslao Capistrán Gracia
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Published 2025-01-15



  • Research trainning,
  • graduate school,
  • action-research,
  • music education,
  • research projects

How to Cite

Action Research in the Field of Music Education. (2025). Revista De Investigación Educativa, Intervención Pedagógica Y Docencia, 3(1), 126-140. https://doi.org/10.71770/0dp87151


Due to the technical training musicians received during their careers, they often encounter problems in understanding the scientific processes that underpin the research projects that represent the core part of graduate programs. This article presents a pedagogical experience in a graduate program in Mexico. Departing from the theory of situated cognition, the author took advantage of the experience, interests and motivation of his students to guide them in the development of research-action projects that aimed to improve music education practices. Students showed interest in solving educational problems in their area of specialization and willingness to develop action-research protocols. They analyzed data, reviewed results and wrote conclusions. In addition, they became familiar with the scientific literature and theories that underpinned their projects. The results of their research allowed them to achieve their master's degree and became contributions in music education while being presented at academic meetings and publications.


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