Experiencia de la implementación de programas de estudio por competencias en la Escuela de Trabajo Social de Zacatecas por Janeth Patricia Hidalgo Hernández, Fabiola Lydie Rochin Berumen y Carla Beatriz Capetillo Medrano


The following research aimed to investigate the experiences of teachers at the School of
Social Work of Zacatecas before the implementation of a competency-based curriculum. It is
important to note that this study only describes the perceptions of those teachers who addressed
specific Learning Units of the Curricular Project, which was designed under the Competency-Based
Approach (EBC, Spanish acronym). This information is limited to the number of interviewees who
were identified during the research. The objective of this study was to capture the subjective
experiences of teachers regarding a competency-based curriculum and understand the development
of competency-based study programs at the School of Social Work of Zacatecas. The research
followed an inductive approach and had a basic descriptive scope. The results indicate that there is
confusion and contradiction in the way the EBC is understood. While some teachers claim to have
knowledge of it and hold a positive opinion, others express uncertainty. In conclusion, this research
reveals that the transition to a competency-based system for teachers has been a practice marked
by contradictions, with uncertainties regarding their role and teaching strategies.

Keywords: Competencies, programs, curricular project.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Hernández, J., Rochin Berumen, F., & Capetillo Medrano, C. (2023). Experiencia de la implementación de programas de estudio por competencias en la Escuela de Trabajo Social de Zacatecas por Janeth Patricia Hidalgo Hernández, Fabiola Lydie Rochin Berumen y Carla Beatriz Capetillo Medrano. FILHA, 18(29), 155-178. https://doi.org/10.60685/filha.v18i29.2025