Vol. 3 No. 6 (2021): Revista Chicomoztoc, Vol. 3. No. 6. Julio – diciembre 2021

Portada: Juan Carlos Smith Blanco / 9 años


Human societies face constant transformations, some of which arise from external causes and others from internal ones, regardless of their origin. What is relevant is trying to recognize the strategies that were used in different phases of history to adapt to the environment and optimize the available resources to the maximum. The efficiency of the strategy allows an activity to transcend, be repeated, and be passed on for generations. The knowledge that derives from the constant practice of an activity is a heritage that allows strengthening cultural ties and building regional identities. However, given the changes that are taking place in today's society related to a pandemic that has reduced a large number of older adults, direct heirs of knowledge, and the already marked generational gap, it is very important to resume the ethnoarchaeological record as a fundamental activity in order to rescue the traditional knowledge of our ancestors, of those peoples who promoted a sustainable relationship with their environment and who are now at risk of being forgotten. Archeology constantly uses ethnographic references to make analogies and build proposals of what could have happened in the past, now it is important to consider ethnography to resignify activities, technologies, knowledge and learn to apply the uses and ways of life that our ancestors were allowed to do. live properly. Guarantee future generations a decent present.

Published: 2021-07-10