From photography to post-photography. Camera obscura of immortality. Baudelaire / Barthes (virtual image, electronic devices, selfies)


  • Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa
  • Celeste Díaz Muñoz



Photography, Post-photography, Image, Painting, Selfie, Baudelaire, Barthes


In this essay, we will analyse the meaning of photography and the image in modernity from Charles Baudelaire to Roland Barthes, focusing on the central space that visual arts occupy in digital media (the virtual world) and in the lives of people, in the social and private space. We will analyse the transition from photography to post-photography, and consequently, the artistic and philosophical theorization around media power of images in modern and contemporary societies determined by the advances of new technologies and and its manifestations such as selfies and new electronic devices.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa

    Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa. Español, doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid con la tesis titulada: El pecado del conocimiento en la obra de Baudelaire. Actualmente desarrolla su actividad docente investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (México), en la Unidad Académica de Ciencia Política y en la Unidad Académica de Docencia Superior. Es Perfil Promep y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Contacto: ORCID ID

  • Celeste Díaz Muñoz

    Celeste Díaz Muñoz. Mexicana. Estudiante y becaria Conacyt de la Maestría en Investigaciones Humanísticas y Educativas de la Unidad de Docencia Superior de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas". Contacto: Orcid ID:




How to Cite

From photography to post-photography. Camera obscura of immortality. Baudelaire / Barthes (virtual image, electronic devices, selfies). (2023). FILHA, 16(25), 25.