Henry James: secretos, ausencias y fantasmas

  • Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa
Keywords: Henry James, story, secrets, absences, ghosts


Henry James is considered as a highly complex author, that can not be understood by any reader. This is totally consistent with Todorov's proposal. As a literary theorist, he intends to reveal to us readers, the secret of the story in Henry James. Between the work and the reader stands the figure of the critic who claims to possess the key to the work of the author, the secret of the story in Henry James. In this essay, a reading of the work of Henry James is proposed that allows access not only to the logic of the story, but above all, to the heart of the characters, to the truth that appears as an undecipherable secret.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa

Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa es doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid con la tesis titulada El pecado del conocimiento en la obra de Baudelaire. Actualmente desarrolla su actividad docente investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (México), en la Unidad Académica de Ciencia Política y en la Unidad Académica de Docencia Superior. Es Perfil Promep y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Contacto: juancarlos_orejudo76@yahoo.es

How to Cite
Orejudo Pedrosa, J. C. (2023). Henry James: secretos, ausencias y fantasmas. FILHA, 12(16), 49-68. https://doi.org/10.60685/filha.v12i16.2236