On the trail of pre-Hispanic dance

  • Alejandrina Ulloa Cárdenas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Keywords: dances, tradition, ritual, festivity, religion., dances, tradition, ritual, festivity, religion



In the immediate period to the arrival of the Spaniards, the societies of the Indians underwent diverse modifications in their lifestyle. One of them was the imposition of the Catholic religión, which forced them to put aside all their beliefs, as well as rituals that they carried out to focus their ideology towards a single divine entity; which leads us to reflect on the role that the Concheros Dance has had within society and how it has transcended over time.

From an ethnohistorical perspective, the present work seeks to identify in a preliminary way through archaeological evidence, analysis of historical sources and ethnography, in which mention is made of the "use" of dances during the time of the Conquest or in previous stages; in order to understand under what contexts the ancient groups organized dances, to know if from that moment this type of manifestation had a religious character, and to identify what the outfits they used to carry out the choreographies were like; allowing to generate analogies between these historical evidences and contemporary indigenous traditional dances, specifically the Concheros Dancing Groups, to understand the transformations they have undergone, record the process of cultural survival of this dance phenomenon and thus grant both to the dance society, as to those of us who are spectators, a new vision that allows us to appreciate the Concheros Dance and its importance, whit the objetive to comprendre that this phenomenon goes beyond being a showy and entertaining form of a ritual.

Subsequently, it is intended to continue the search that complements part of the thesis investigation entitled "Ethnoarchaeological Study of the Concheros Dance: Towards a definition through their material culture."



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Author Biography

Alejandrina Ulloa Cárdenas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Egresada de la Licenciatura en Antropología, por parte del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CUCSH) de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Sus temas de interés además de la danza, se centran en la investigación sobre temas de Antropología Social, como el desarrollo de las comunidades en relación al entorno que habitan, en cuanto Antropología Simbólica se enfoca en la identificación e interpretación de los significados involucrados en las imágenes y representaciones prehispánicas, así como la iconografía que resulta del sincretismo, utilizadas en la práctica de las danzas autóctonas y danzas tradicionales indígenas; en el área de Arqueología, investigaciones sobre la producción y mercadeo de objetos de obsidiana. Específicamente en Arqueología Subacuática su interés se centra en las investigaciones con restos prehispánicos y paleontológicos encontrados en cenotes y cavernas, los hundimientos y guerras navales. Mientras que, en la línea del Patrimonio Cultural, se enfoca en las nuevas propuestas de interpretación y difusión del patrimonio, enfocado hacia el uso de herramientas y actividades específicas para cada tipo de público acorde a la generación de interés. Actualmente se encuentra cursando la Maestría en Arqueología en El Colegio de Michoacán (COLMICH). alejandrinaulloa18@gmail.com

How to Cite
Ulloa Cárdenas, A. (2022). On the trail of pre-Hispanic dance. Revista Chicomoztoc, 4(7), 158. https://doi.org/10.48705/chztk.v4i7.1313