Adversidad y olvido, el patrimonio zacatecano en el limbo de la indolencia


  • Maricela de la Luz Valverde Ramírez
  • Julio César Jiménez Moreno
  • Rosa María García Ortiz



Destruction, art, culture, history and heritage


To give voice to the sculptures, paintings, textiles and other scientific, liturgical objects in interiors. Since it seems that monumental heritage, as it is called to the architectonic, is more important, photographed and touted since the 19th century to date. But what about to the heritage sheltered inside of buildings? How are taxons, identification cards of scientific classification, textiles, sculptures and viceregal paintings? Will it be protected in appropriate spaces this artistic and historic heritage? Why in specific this interior heritage, has never mattered? Why has been abandoned? Why is relegated? Under the glamorous dresses sculptures, what is hidden? Specific cases of scientific and artistic heritage works of great value, which have been affected by air, moisture, light, dust, environment and physical agents which impair our heritage will be addressed in the present. Micro-organisms, such as fungi, insects (termites and moth), as well as rodents, birds, etc., attack the wood, paper and other materials. how to stop the biological attack of this heritage? Why a bad packing affects the heritage? How does an inappropriate environment destroy a piece of art from more than three hundred years old? These are the questions that guide this reflection.


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Author Biographies

  • Julio César Jiménez Moreno

    Julio César Jiménez Moreno. Licenciado por el Conservatorio de Alicante, España. Maestro por la Universidad de Viena, Austria.  Doctor por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Fue profesor durante cinco años de la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (UNICACH). Actualmente  de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, líder del cuerpo académico consolidado UAZ-115. SNI Nivel I, perfil PRODEP.  Contacto:

  • Rosa María García Ortiz

    Rosa María García Ortiz. Integrante CAUAZ-115. Perfil PRODEP libros: MENART: Modelo de Enseñanza Activa de las Artes-Aplicación de Tecnologías Informáticas en Educación Artística. Y Sensibilización para la Inclusión-Curso semipresencial para nivel medio superior y superior y La formación de personas ciegas en educación musical: DERRIBANDO BARRERAS DESDE LA VISIÓN DOCENTE. Contacto:




How to Cite

Adversidad y olvido, el patrimonio zacatecano en el limbo de la indolencia. (2023). FILHA, 13(18), 126-154.