Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024): Volume 6, Number 4, Sixth year 2024

Some notes on reality from a constructionist vision

Ramón Eduardo Lares Gutiérrez
Crisser Maribel Jiménez Elías
Autonomous University of Zacatecas

Published 2024-12-30


  • reality, social constructionism, social object, knowledge, truth

How to Cite

Some notes on reality from a constructionist vision. (2024). DE IURE, 6(4), 22. https://doi.org/10.48703/0359qz47


The objective of this article is to try to answer the following question: does reality suppose an existence independent of the individual? Ontological realism affirms this, while social constructionism places this affirmation in the dock. The thesis of this article, based precisely on social constructionism, is that reality is about the individual, because it is he who creates it and gives meaning. The two realities proposed by Elias (1990) will be reviewed. The first considers the individual as the end of the social process, with society being only the means for the subject to achieve himself; In the second, the individual turns out to be the means, with society being the end par excellence. Next, the characteristics of physical objects immersed and their empirical relationship with social phenomena are described. The discussion is about whether objects exist when the individual does not perceive them. Then, the reason for the supposed validity of knowledge and its relationship with reality is described. It is concluded that the object and reality exist when the individual perceives them, that is, as soon as he creates them.


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