El perfil del legislador en México.
Breve estudio sobre los requisitos para ser diputado federal y local
Perfil del legislador, Diputados, Requisitos para ser diputado, Edad mínima, Preparación académicaAbstract
The Mexican Legal System, belonging to the Romano-Germanic legal family, has as a distinctive the consideration of law as the main source of Law. Due to this, it is essential to analyze the laws of our country and determine whether they are adequate or not, consistent with reality or not. If they were done under the strictest Legislative Technique, etc. However, we believe it is especially relevant to also analyze the creator of the laws, we speak of the legislator.
In that sense, in Mexico the profile of the legislator must cover the sufficient and necessary characteristics, since the type of regulations that make up our legal system will depend on it. In other words, if the legislator's profile is suitable, that is, he or she has professional preparation, specialization in Parliamentary Law and Legislative Technique, considerable age, etc. The product of the legislative work will also be ideal, without so many deficiencies and positively impacting society by generating legal certainty. On the other hand, if the legislator does not have the necessary profile, the logical consequence is that the regulations it generates will reflect a series of deficiencies that have been demonstrated in research that we have previously carried out, and also the impact of this type of laws on our society is negative.
Therefore, we will analyze the requirements to be a legislator, which are established both in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, as well as those of each State, in order to determine if said requirements are necessary or ideal for the appropriate profile of the creators of legal norms, since, we insist, a lot depends on the qualities of the legislator so that legal norms are created without deficiencies and under the strictest Legislative Technique
Likewise, to generate a global scope regarding our topic, a comparative study is carried out in the constitutions of Spain, Argentina and Chile, analyzing what they establish as requirements to be covered by the creators of the laws.
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