Los gobiernos abiertos como medio de gestión pública municipal eficiente y colaborativa


  • Manuel Castro Valdez




Open Data, Open Governments, Citizen Participation, Public Policies, Citizen Collaboration, Public Value.


At present, public management at the three levels of government and in general throughout the public sector is a reality that must constantly innovate and adapt to the new contexts brought about by information technologies. Where the incorporation of these has resulted in evolutions unthinkable four decades ago, which have transformed the way of rationalizing the contemporary public environment. In this context, the transfer and transparency of public information arises in a rapid, efficient and massive way, which has evolved towards open governments, which is nothing more than immediate access to public data, and in this transfer there is both participation and collaboration in the public sphere by citizens. And this is where this research has a clear objective, to show this reality to the municipalities, as the opportunity that exists to truly generate public policies, with a timely participation and collaboration of the sectors to be served. Thus, in the same sense, this study aims to be useful to motivate municipal public administrations to detonate the maximum public potential granted by consolidating themselves as open governments, with correct public policies and full accountability, generating true public value in an integral way. The study was carried out with empirical bases and information from bibliographic sources and public and private institutions.


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