Del paradigma de la red al empoderamiento estudiantil

  • Nydia María Castillo Pérez
  • Julio Rodríguez Anido
Keywords: Network´s role, internationalization, student empowerment


The era of globalization represents the union of markets, finance and communications, which intrinsically creates a labor dynamic that promotes substantive changes in the understanding of the world, the formation of professional strength and the training of the workforce. These processes naturally demand the accelerated incorporation of new scientific knowledge and renewed technological processes, which come essentially from highly industrialized countries.


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Author Biographies

Nydia María Castillo Pérez

Nydia María Castillo Pérez es docente investigadora Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, UADS, Programa PNPC, Conacyt, MIHE, Perfil PRODEP, miembro del Sistema Nacional de investigadores, SNI, Conacyt. Correo electrónico:

Julio Rodríguez Anido

Julio Rodíguez Anido es docente investigador Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, UADS, Programa PNPC, Conacyt, MIHE, Perfil PRODEP, miembro del Sistema Nacional de investigadores, SNI, Conacyt. Correo electrónico:

How to Cite
Castillo Pérez, N. M., & Rodríguez Anido, J. (2023). Del paradigma de la red al empoderamiento estudiantil. FILHA, 13(18), 155-172.