Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024): Volume 6, Number 4, Sixth year 2024

Análisis histórico del Decreto de Conservación de Monumentos Antiguos de 1831 en Zacatecas

Published 2024-12-30


  • Archaeology, Legislation, Antiquities and Monuments.

How to Cite

Análisis histórico del Decreto de Conservación de Monumentos Antiguos de 1831 en Zacatecas. (2024). DE IURE, 6(4), 20. https://doi.org/10.48703/yj68hv82


The historical-legal context of the state of Zacatecas in the second quarter of the 19th century was conditioned the decisions of the Executive branch, as well as the proposals of the local Legislative branch, with a social and federalist perspective, one of those innovative proposals was about the archaeological vestiges, the federalist political position is the reason why the entity would later be punished by the federation.

Despite the existing contraventions with the central government, the Zacatecan government at that time showed itself to be independent, giving relevance to the existence of pre-hispanic antiquities founded in various parts of the state territory. The state government, motivated by the discovery in Juchipila, saw the opportunity to exercise guardianship over these assets with the purpose of investigating, protecting, conserving and disseminating their existence, so in that sense the fact that the appreciation of these assets is summarized in the original legal act in the local laws in the matter in Mexico.


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