The fragile state of rock art in the Altos de Jalisco: Testimonies about its study, conservation and destruction
Petrogravures, appropriation, biocultural heritage, Petrogravures, appropiation, biocultural heritageAbstract
Archaeological sites with rock art are perhaps the most vulnerable for their conservation and protection, even more so when they are located within urbanized areas or close to modern human settlements. The case of the archaeological site of La Presa de la Luz, in the Municipality of Jesús María, Jalisco, Mexico is no exception. Its study for more than 10 years of continuous work has led us to rethink the task of its conservation through a methodology of appropriation and awareness of nearby populations and their relationship with the environment that surrounds them. The site has a very close link with the present because many of the petroglyphs are found next to the houses, on the roads, embedded in buildings or walls, and especially in the foothills of the dam. In this sense, this article will try to address the problem of how the intervention has been, taking into account that for an archaeological site that involves more than 500 hectares of land and more than 1,200 petroglyphs, a protection strategy aimed at co-responsibility is required.
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