Vol. 5 No. 10 (2023): Revista Chicomoztoc Vol. 5, no.10, julio – diciembre 2023

Eulalia Guzmán Barrón entre los avatares arqueológicos y la necesidad de reivindicación historiográfica

Judith Alejandra Rivas Hernández
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Autor de Portada: Gerardo Peña /artista mexicano

Published 2023-07-10


  • Eulalia Guzmán,
  • Historia oral,
  • historiografía,
  • feminismo,
  • arqueología

How to Cite

Eulalia Guzmán Barrón entre los avatares arqueológicos y la necesidad de reivindicación historiográfica. (2023). Revista Chicomoztoc, 5(10), 98. https://doi.org/10.48705/chztk.v5i10.1991



The objective of this writing is to bring back to the present, the archaeological discussions through regional history and oral history to interweave some explanatory approaches that help me put Eulalia Guzmán Barrón on the scene through a historiographical revisionism, as a woman with little history from the local and from Zacatecan archeology. By taking as a basis the theses and articles from various approaches about the teacher that are already well known. In addition, the dissertation concludes with a brief reflection in relation to Ixcateopan and Cuauhtémoc.

Key words: Eulalia Guzmán, oral history, historiography, feminism, archaeology.


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