Vol. 4 No. 7 (2022): Revista Chicomoztoc Vol. 4, no.7, Enero – junio 2022

The Blackness in La Piedad, Michoacán

Catalina Josceline Fibela Lona
Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos - COLMICH
Autor de Portada: Nicolás Macías Félix

Published 2022-01-10


  • Key words: Ethnohistory, blackness, Africans, Michoacán, postcolonial archeology.,
  • ethnohistory,
  • blckness,
  • africans,
  • Michoacán,
  • postcolonial archaeology
  • ...More

How to Cite

The Blackness in La Piedad, Michoacán. (2022). Revista Chicomoztoc, 4(7), 136. https://doi.org/10.48705/chztk.v4i7.1318



The so-called "third root" in Mexico has been a subject to which attention has been paid in recent times, although it must be said, a lesser extent compared to the study of the Indigenous and Spanish root. In addition, specifically in Michoacán, blackness is an issue little addressed because it is not considered a state with a strong African presence. However, it is possible to see the participation of this ethnic group in various historical events as active agents in the creation of founding myths, a clear example is the case of La Piedad, Michoacán. A fundamental part to make a more anthropological archeology is to recognize our role as writers of history, many times that it does not belong to us, so it is necessary to recognize our prejudices and social responsibilities.



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