Vol. 4 No. 7 (2022): Revista Chicomoztoc Vol. 4, no.7, Enero – junio 2022

The San Nicolás de La Cantera Mine.: An approach to the history of mining from its ruins

Jesús Girón Cervantes
Unidad Académica de Antropología - UAZ
Autor de Portada: Nicolás Macías Félix

Published 2022-01-10


  • Mining, Production processes, Historical Archaeology, Prospecting.,
  • mining,
  • production processes,
  • historical archaeology,
  • proespecting

How to Cite

The San Nicolás de La Cantera Mine.: An approach to the history of mining from its ruins. (2022). Revista Chicomoztoc, 4(7), 62. https://doi.org/10.48705/chztk.v4i7.1317


 The objective of this approach is to present a proposal to integrate field data, cartographic and documentary references, as well as the management of an explanatory model on the productive phases within a type of industry, in this case mining. To achieve the above, a reconstruction of the history of the abandoned mine of "San Nicolás de La Cantera" was carried out, located on the outskirts of the urban sprawl of the current city of Zacatecas.

The knowledge of the productive processes in mining, allowed to establish the material indicators of the phases involved in this industry such as: the use of silver, considering construction materials and areas of extraction, processing and storage activities. From surface surveys on the "San Nicolás" hill, the presence of sinkholes, shafts, waste areas and winches was confirmed; which, after comparing historical sources and maps, indicated that this context was part of an important silver benefit hacienda in the city of Zacatecas during the 19th century, known as "Hacienda de Bernárdez", which is located 560 meters above sea level. away.

It can be affirmed, in relation to the material indicators (mills and winches) and given the proximity of the facilities to the extraction and disposal area, that this deposit was part of the initial stages of silver production. On the other hand, the vestiges of patios and mills within the hull of the Ex Hda. de Bernárdez, indicate the centralization of processing, storage and distribution activities in central points such as the hacienda districts.





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