Published 2022-01-10
- Key words: Collecting, Ethnoarchaeology, objects, value, lifestyle.,
- collecting,
- ethnoarchaeology,
- objects,
- value
- lifestyle ...More
How to Cite
Collecting has a source of power that, in certain aspects, still continues to this day, however the material culture manufactured and used over the years and acquired different meanings of value. The reason for doing it: the different events that made the practice grow, and the criteria that are used and how they get even more meanings outside the term collection.
I judge that the term and its purpose have thousands of meanings, but they all share a feeling, no matter who, where, and at what age; reasons why my evidence will be sought and taken from Mexico City, in the Historic Center and surroundings, as it is an area full of potential places of purchase and sale of so-called "collectibles", which will be a good point of beginning.