Soil microorganisms and their eternal relationship with plants
Soil Microorganisms and their Eternal Relationship with Plants
In this work, the natural relationship that exists between the microorganisms present in the soil such as bacteria, actinobacteria, fungi of various types, among many others, and the roots of plant species is presented. These microorganisms have an intimate relationship with plants, because they take advantage of the substances that the roots excrete such as amino acids and organic acids to feed, reproduce, and make the roots their habitat. On the other hand, microorganisms give the roots of plants various benefits such as stimulation of plant growth through different activities or mechanisms such as the uptake or fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, production of organic substances that help solubilization, mobility and availability of minerals such as nitrates, phosphorus and calcium from the soil and produce phytohormones that help root development. Microorganisms also help plants protect against some pathogens through different mechanisms of action such as: competition for space and nutrients, production of substances with antifungal and antibacterial properties. In this way, emphasis is placed on the advantage that associating with microorganisms brings to plants and that this relationship must be eternal for the benefit of both species.
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