Comunicar para gobernar: hacia la construcción de una cultura de paz en México

  • Claudia Cecilia Flores Pérez
Keywords: social communication, governance, culture of peace, politics, citizen participation


The importance of establishing Social Communication policies in Mexico in the sense of defining the main lines of action for information, as well as the responsibility and consequent participation of the different sectors involved in this process. Given the lack of official and systematized information, a communication crisis is generated, because the government is overwhelmed because it does not have a well-structured social communication team, much less a clear and precise strategy to stop the collective paranoia generated by the wave of violence that plagues the entire country, escalating social unrest, whose population does not hesitate to show its hostility to the government, judging it incapable of providing an atmosphere of peace. For this reason, the predominant place of social communication as an element of cohesion between the government and its governed must be vindicated, and for this particular case, as a fundamental pillar for the construction of a culture of peace, which, strengthened through citizen participation, right to information and accountability, translate into the guarantor of governance in Mexico.


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Author Biography

Claudia Cecilia Flores Pérez

Claudia Cecilia Flores Pérez es docente-Investigadora de la Maestría en Investigaciones Humanísticas y Educativas de la Unidad Académica de Docencia Superior de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Contacto:

How to Cite
Flores Pérez, C. C. (2023). Comunicar para gobernar: hacia la construcción de una cultura de paz en México. FILHA, 13(18), 208-224.