Reflections on Judaism: Hegel, Freud, Leo Strauss

  • Diego Enrique Vega Castro
Keywords: Judaism, revelation, Modernity, Hegel, Freud, Strauss


This paper intends to thoroughly analyze two modern and one anti-modern positions on Judaism: the one of Hegel in his Early Writings, the one of Freud in his famous work entitled Moises and Monotheism, and finally some of Leo Strauss’s considerations on “the problem of Judaism.” The intention of contrasting these three authors is to pose firstly, the modern and culminant version regarding Judaism as a primitive, abstract, and totalitarian state of the relation between man and God. Freud’s psychoanalytic considerations are proposed as a “scientific” and explicitly atheist complement of what Hegel had already posed in a strictly philosophical context; in this sense, Freud will manifest some of the presuppositions shared with Modernity (and with Hegel as its climax) which Strauss will severely criticize. The third section dedicated to Strauss will finally show then a posture that takes seriously the possibility of revelation and its irrefutability before modern critiques, as well as the impossibility of the Hegelian synthesis between God and man.


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Author Biography

Diego Enrique Vega Castro

Diego Enrique Vega Castro. Mexicano. Doctorante en Filosofía Contemporánea en la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). Maestro en Filosofía por la BUAP graduado cum laude. Licenciado en Filosofía por la UNAM con mención honorífica. Recientemente hizo una estancia de investigación en Roosevelt University, Chicago, bajo el cargo del Dr. Svetozar Minkov. Entre sus últimas publicaciones se encuentra su tesis de Maestría: “El problema de la teoría y la praxis en el pensamiento de Leo Strauss. Un análisis desde el Esoterismo Filosófico”, Humanidades, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en Puebla, 3, nm. 1 (2021), así como los siguientes artículos de investigación: "Moral and Intellectual Virtues: On the Relation between Detached Contemplation and Political Prudence", Bajo Palabra, 25 (2021); La θεωρíα, lo teorético (theoretisch) y lo pre-teorético (vortheoretisch) en el joven Heidegger, Open Insight XI, 23 (2020); Vanidad y miedo a la muerte violenta. Hobbes, Hegel y fenomenología de las emociones, Filha 23 (2020); Dos frentes de ataque contra la filosofía, Reflexiones marginales 49 (2019). Contacto: Orcid ID

How to Cite
Vega Castro, D. E. (2023). Reflections on Judaism: Hegel, Freud, Leo Strauss. FILHA, 16(25), 31.