Approach to family theme in children's and youth stories by writer Luis Carlos Suarez Reyes

  • Lohema Céspedes Ginarte
  • Yanel Pompa Chávez
  • Zailys Santos Aroche
Keywords: Family, children's and youth stories, dichotomies


The present investigation constitutes a first approach to the writer from Granma Luis Carlos Suárez Reyes. The objective of the study is to analyze the family from different perspectives within the writer's children's and youth stories, and for this purpose, the qualitative methodological perspective was used, using the methods: analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, content analysis and the semiotic method with isotopic analysis. In addition, statistical method was used, although to a lesser extent, and the in-depth interview was used as a technique. In the same way, the panorama of children's and youth literary creation in Cuba and its trends was characterized, offering both a critical and updated assessment of the phenomenon, and an approach to the sociocultural spectrum in which the author and his work are inserted. The entire conceptual apparatus was applied to the selected texts and it was determined that the recurrent spatial constructions based on the theme are the window as a limit, the trip and the Greimasian dichotomies, which are expressed from an aesthetic and social perspective identified with current trends of gender and social problems.


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Author Biographies

Lohema Céspedes Ginarte

Lohema Céspedes Ginarte, cubana. Profesora de Cultura latinoamericana y caribeña y Cultura Cubana en la Universidad de Granma. Profesora Auxiliar y Máster en Estudios Cubanos y del Caribe. Sus investigaciones principales se centran en el estudio de la narrativa infantil y juvenil del escritor granmense Luis Carlos Suárez Reyes y de la figura de Carlos Manuel de Céspedes desde lo cultural y cívico. Contacto: ORCID ID:

Yanel Pompa Chávez

Yanel Pompa Chávez, cubano. Profesor de Metodología de la Investigación en la Universidad de Granma. Profesor Asistente y Máster en Educación Superior. Contacto: ORCID ID:

Zailys Santos Aroche

Zailys Santos Aroche, cubana: Profesora de Cultura Regional y Estadística Máster en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitaria. Contacto: ORCID ID:

How to Cite
Céspedes Ginarte, L., Pompa Chávez, Y., & Santos Aroche, Z. (2023). Approach to family theme in children’s and youth stories by writer Luis Carlos Suarez Reyes. FILHA, 15(23), 15.