Satisfaction with the quality of work life in university teachers in zacatecas

  • Martín de Jesús Cardoso Pérez
  • Fabiola Maldonado González
Keywords: quality of work life, teachers, university students


The objective was to determine the satisfaction with the quality of working life of teachers in a public university in Zacatecas, Mexico. Descriptive study of cross section, sample for convenience in 30 university teachers. The instrument called CVT-GOSIHALO, which measures seven dimensions, was applied. Ethically it adhered to the General Health Law, in terms of research. The results show that the satisfaction with the total quality of work life of the teacher was high, with 46.9%. According to the dimensions, in the institutional support for work, 28.1% expressed adequate satisfaction. Regarding safety at work, one third reported great satisfaction to work with a wide margin of safety. On integration to the job, adequate satisfaction registered a 28.9%. Satisfaction with work, obtained a high percentage, as well as the well-being achieved through work, which registered 31.9%, indicating being very satisfied, however, in the teacher's personal development dimension, 32.7 % reported being dissatisfied and in the administration of free time, 31% described having a neutral attitude. It was concluded that the quality of working life was satisfactory in a high percentage, however, in the personal development dimension there was low satisfaction. It is recommended to establish institutional strategies that strengthen the quality of working life, given that this affects the academic quality provided and therefore the satisfaction of university teachers


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Author Biographies

Martín de Jesús Cardoso Pérez

Martín de Jesús Cardoso Pérez. Docente investigador de la Unidad Académica de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Cuenta con publicaciones en apoyo al aprendizaje entre pares (mentoría) y educación inclusiva. Perfil PRODEP y miembro del Cuerpo Académico Educación, Sociedad y Desarrollo, UAZ-CA-38 (Consolidado). Contacto:

Fabiola Maldonado González

Fabiola Maldonado González. Docente investigadora de la Unidad Académica de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Doctora en Investigación educativa.  Contacto:

How to Cite
Cardoso Pérez, M. de J., & Maldonado González, F. (2023). Satisfaction with the quality of work life in university teachers in zacatecas. FILHA, 14(21), 19.