Martin Lutero: destruktion, sola fide, vida facticial y nominalismo de la gracia, herencia de Heidegger

  • Ramón Kuri Camacho
Keywords: philosophy, theology, being, entity, sola fide, Luther, Heidegger, existence


Article on the theological tradition inherited by Martin Heidegger. Analysis of the Lutheran argument: sola fide, destruction, factual life and grace´s nominalism. It also analyzes the concept of existence and the meaning that this concept has for Kierkegaard and Luther. He concludes that the Existez concept, as Kierkegaard understood it, is a concept incompatible with the "non-existence" of Lutheran sola fide. 


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Author Biography

Ramón Kuri Camacho

Ramón Kuri Camacho es profesor investigador en el doctorado en educación de la Universidad La Salle, en la ciudad de México. Contacto:

How to Cite
Kuri Camacho, R. (2023). Martin Lutero: destruktion, sola fide, vida facticial y nominalismo de la gracia, herencia de Heidegger. FILHA, 14(21), 24.