Percepciones en las peleas de gallos: revisión desde los enfoques fenomenológicoy etnográfico de Husserl y Geertz

  • Martín Velázquez Rojas Docente UANL


Even in modern contexts, for certain social actors, cockfights represent perceptions of leisure, fun, entertainment and resistance, and are socio-cultural expressions that can predetermine their social development. In this context, the objective of the study is to analyze and explain the situations in which cockfights generate perceptions of leisure, fun, entertainment, in a population segment and which in turn generate symbolism. of resistance to the order of prohibition and illegality of these games. Aqualitative methodology was used, through interviews captured with the snowball technique. The theoretical basis and interpretation of results were phenomenological and ethnographic. The results indicated that these types of games represent for those involved a series of symbolisms related to leisure, fun, entertainment and resistance, which promote socialization, and that could represent alternative interpretations of this social phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Velázquez Rojas, M. (2024). Percepciones en las peleas de gallos: revisión desde los enfoques fenomenológicoy etnográfico de Husserl y Geertz. FILHA, 19(30), 45-61.