Published 2024-01-05
- Compliance behavior,
- Nursing,
- Hypertension
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High blood pressure is a public health problem, the lack of primary care, poor adherence to medical treatment leads to complications that occupy the first places in mortality in the country, although actions have been demonstrated that contribute to the management and control of the disease. high blood pressure, the nursing professional requires applying care based on evidence-based practice; therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the therapeutic compliance behavior in patients with high blood pressure treated in a Community Hospital.
The design was descriptive, prospective and observational, non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, the sample was made up of 127 patients surveyed in a period of three weeks. The Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) Compliance Behavior Result was used as a measurement instrument; the study adhered to the provisions of the Regulations of the General Health Law.
The therapeutic compliance behavior was: they accept the diagnosis of the disease they suffer from, they never seek more accredited information about their diagnosis, they always carry out the therapeutic regimen as prescribed, they always keep the appointment and express the changes in symptoms to health professionals. . In addition, they control the therapeutic effects of the medication, however they never carry out activities of daily living according to the prescription and do not seek external help to carry out health behavior. These results have positive and negative connotations that promote clinical decisions and improve the culture of care.
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