Enfermería, Innovación y Ciencia 2024-05-29T17:02:26+00:00 Ana Gabriela Flores Romo Open Journal Systems Reasons for earning a bachelor’s degree in nursing in a border city of northern Mexico. 2024-05-29T17:00:51+00:00 Belen Astrid García Salas Ángel Noé Alvarado-Pizarro Brenda Lizeth Cuevas Jaimes Karla Fabiola Gamboa Molina Mayra Guadalupe Juárez Elizalde <p><strong>Objective: </strong>Analyze the reasons of earning a bachelor’s degree in nursing in a public university located at the border area of northern Mexico.<strong> Methodology: </strong>Quantitative, transversal, and descriptive study, composed of 470 students of two entering-level campuses of the bachelor's degree in nursing, carried out through a census sampling. An instrument of reasons for earning a bachelor’s degree in health science validated in a Mexican population (a=0.834) was applied through electronic surveys, comprised of 30 items, and integrated by six major factors as reasons for pursuing it. <strong>Results: </strong>Mean age was 19.28 years (SD= 2.549), females predominate with 76.4%, single people with 93.3%, those with no children and no job with 95.4% and 67.6%, respectively. Overall high school average was 8.7 (SD= 0.66), 70.2% received career orientation, 47.2% elected nursing major as their first choice, and 70% because they liked it. The most important factors as pursuing motives were prestige and accomplishment, altruism and knowledge, and health. Significant differences were found among the gender and altruism and knowledge factors, and external and affiliative motivation, amid those who received and didn’t receive career orientation and the prestige and accomplishment factors, between the assignment campuses and the factor of working with people.<strong> Conclusions: </strong>The need for designing an instrument to measure the motives for electing a major in nursing to explore the distinctive sociological and philosophical components, as well as the inclusion of demographic and educational variables, has been made evident.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Conducta de Cumplimiento terapéutico en pacientes con Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica 2024-05-29T17:02:26+00:00 Sonia Pérez Hernández Hilda Saray Contreras de la Fuente Ma Guadalupe Gallegos Acevedo Magdiel Alberto Ramírez Torres <p>High blood pressure is a public health problem, the lack of primary care, poor adherence to medical treatment leads to complications that occupy the first places in mortality in the country, although actions have been demonstrated that contribute to the management and control of the disease. high blood pressure, the nursing professional requires applying care based on evidence-based practice; therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the therapeutic compliance behavior in patients with high blood pressure treated in a Community Hospital.</p> <p>The design was descriptive, prospective and observational, non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, the sample was made up of 127 patients surveyed in a period of three weeks. The Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) Compliance Behavior Result was used as a measurement instrument; the study adhered to the provisions of the Regulations of the General Health Law.</p> <p>The therapeutic compliance behavior was: they accept the diagnosis of the disease they suffer from, they never seek more accredited information about their diagnosis, they always carry out the therapeutic regimen as prescribed, they always keep the appointment and express the changes in symptoms to health professionals. . In addition, they control the therapeutic effects of the medication, however they never carry out activities of daily living according to the prescription and do not seek external help to carry out health behavior. These results have positive and negative connotations that promote clinical decisions and improve the culture of care.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Prevalence of breastfeeding in working mothers attending the first level of care 2024-05-29T15:43:47+00:00 Laura Berenice Zorrilla Martínez Ana Gabriela Flores Romo Roxana Araujo Espino Eduardo Reveles Caldera <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> breastfeeding is the mainstay of newborn feeding and contributes to the bonding of the mother-infant dyad. <strong>Objective:</strong> to identify the prevalence of breastfeeding and socio-demographic factors in working women attending the first level of care. <strong>Metodology:</strong> descriptive, cross-sectional, convenience sampling study (403 working mothers), taking into account the guidelines established in the Regulations for the General Health Law on Research. <strong>Results: </strong>mothers were aged between 26 and 35 years, with a bachelor's degree (61.8%), an average of 2 children, 70.8% had caesarean section, 89.1% received information on breastfeeding, 98.3% attended prenatal care, 54.3% of the newborns were female. 3% of the newborns were female; at term (80.1%), weight x ̅ = 3.057 kg, height x ̅ = 49.3 cm, head circumference x ̅ = 39.15 cm and x ̅ = 5.6 days of extrauterine life, 53.3% were exclusively breastfed, 42.4% were mixed and 2.2% were formula fed. <strong>Conclusions: </strong>the results of this study highlight the need for: training for the creation of breast milk banks at home, decent, private and comfortable spaces for expressing milk at work and promoting maternity leave to continue breastfeeding.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Violencia en el noviazgo y consumo de alcohol en jóvenes de Zacatecas 2024-01-22T19:21:19+00:00 Maricruz Vidales Jara Verónica Ortega Gámez Liliana Elizabeth Calderón Botello Luz Ma. Delgadillo Legaspi <p>A descriptive and correlational design was used with the objective of determining the prevalence of alcohol consumption and identifying the relationship that exists between alcohol consumption and dating violence in 327 adolescents from a high school in Zacatecas. A personal data card, the alcohol consumption prevalence questionnaire, and the Dating Violence Scale were used. A Crombach's Alpha .80 was obtained. Results: The largest proportion were male (51.1%). The average age was 17.7 years, 48.0% have a current dating relationship. Regarding alcohol consumption, the prevalence indicates that 80.4% have consumed it at some point in their life, 63.6% in the last year, 42.5% in the last month and 25.1% in the last 7 days. Regarding violence by sex, no significant differences were found (p&gt;.05), men present higher averages of violence than women (Me=6.8 and Me= 6.06, respectively). For the main objective, a positive and significant relationship was found between alcohol consumption and violence in general (rs =154, p&lt;.01). Likewise, a positive and significant relationship was found between consumption and Psychological, Physical and Sexual violence (p &lt;.05). It is concluded that the greater the consumption of alcohol, the greater the violence in dating.&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Consumo de marihuana en mujeres y creencias sobre el consumo de marihuana en madres jóvenes 2024-01-22T19:25:39+00:00 Liliana Elizabeth Calderón Botello Luz Ma. Delgadillo Legaspi Maricruz Vidales Jara Verónica Ortega Gámez <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Marijuana use is a global health problema due to the effects produced by the intake, generating multiple socioeconomic factors, in young pregnant women an increase in the use of this substance has been observed bringing with it short- and long-term consequences for the consumer and the pregnant product. <strong>Method:</strong> Sample of 290 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at a Public University in the State of Zacatecas, a personal data card and prevalence of marijuana use was used, followed by three open-ended questions to assess beliefs about marijuana use held by pregnant women and young mothers. <strong>Results:</strong> Most believe that marijuana use is bad for their health (<em>f</em>=69), but good for therapeutic or medicinal use (<em>f</em>=45), They mention that the main causes of pregnant and breastfeeding women ingesting marijuana is because they believe that it can cause some harm to the baby, such as miscarriages, malformations, or death (<em>f</em>=65). They indicate that it depends on the amount of marijuana consumed to have a negative effect because it is natural (<em>f</em>=4). <strong>Conclusions:</strong> It is relevant to indicate that some of the participants indicated that the consumption of this substance is bad. depending on the amount because they consider it "natural". <strong>Conclusions:</strong> It is relevant to point out that some of the participants indicated that the consumption of this substance It's bad, depending on the amount because they consider it "natural."</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Intervención educativa sobre la práctica de Autoexploración Mamaria en mujeres de 20 a 50 años de edad en la Comunidad Santuario 1ra. Sección de Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco, México 2024-01-22T19:27:38+00:00 Mariana López López Aralucy Cruz León <p><strong>Objetivo</strong>. Evaluar la efectividad de la intervención educativa sobre el conocimiento y la práctica de la AEM en mujeres de una comunidad del estado de Tabasco. <strong>Material y Método. </strong>El método utilizado fue cuantitativo con diseño cuasi experimental con grupo control; el grupo experimental se sometió a tres dosis de intervención educativa y con prueba previas y posteriores a ambos grupos. <strong>Resultados</strong>.&nbsp; En el grupo control con una <em>n</em>= 30 mujeres de 20 a 50 años de edad, en el pre test de conocimiento de la Autoexploración mamaria (AEM) se obtuvo un resultado de 56.7% no sabe en qué consiste la AEM, en relación a la práctica de la AEM en el pre test el 100% de las mujeres obtuvieron una mala práctica. En el grupo experimental con una <em>n</em>=30 participantes&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; en el pre – test el 60 % si tenía conocimiento de la AEM, al término de la intervención el 93.3% presento conocimiento de la AEM. En los resultados de pre-test en relación a la práctica de la AEM el 93.3% tuvo mala práctica, después de la intervención el 100 % tuvo buena práctica. Para ambas variables se corrió una t de Student a la variable de Conocimiento de la autoexploración mamaria en la primera y segunda medición, así como a la de Práctica de la autoexploración mamaria. <strong>Conclusión. </strong>Después de la intervención educativa el 100 % las mujeres lograron obtener el conocimiento de la AEM, y practica correcta de la misma.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Reflection on therapeuticplay, children's rights and child welfare 2024-05-23T17:43:09+00:00 Ledia Lazara Ramos Garcia, LLRG Julia Maricela Torres Esperon, JMTE <p>Playing is a right of children as approved in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in hospitalization, the therapeutic playis used to minimize negative effects and allows nursing professionals to provide humanized care. <strong>Objective:</strong> To reflect on the use of therapeutic play, children's rights and child welfare. <strong>Methodological design: </strong>It is a reflective theorist. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> The use of therapeutic play technology in pediatric services will allow the humanization of care, with the possibility of understanding the interaction that infants cannot understand, reduce stress, fear and strengthen the pediatric triad, with which the possibility of the restoration of physical and emotional health is faster and better. This also responds to what is recommended by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Charter for hospitalized children and the definitions of child welfare.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##