Efectos adversos: vacuna AstraZeneca en jóvenes de 18 A 29 años en Juchipila, Zac.



  • María Guadalupe González Macías UAZ CAMPUS JALPA




Adverse effects, vaccine, COVID-19, AstraZeneca, young people


Objective: To know the adverse effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine in young people between 18 and 29 years of age in the municipality of Juchipila, Zacatecas in the first dose against COVID-19. Method: Study of quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive and comparative design. The participants were 900 young people between the ages of 18 and 29 from the municipality of Juchipila, Zacatecas. A questionnaire was developed in its own way, which was validated by personnel (499) from the Juchipila Community Hospital. Results: The participants were 55.4% women and 44.6% men. The main symptoms presented after the application of the vaccine were: pain at the injection site 61%, headache 58.9%, fever 49.4%, muscle / joint pain 48.1%, fatigue or tiredness 40.4%, also in a lower percentage 21.2% had dizziness, 6.1% vomiting, 4.8% shortness of breath, 3.4% diarrhea, and 0.4% other 2 symptoms. In the duration of symptoms, the results indicated that 33% symptoms appeared from 0 to 8 hours and 53.4% symptoms appeared from 8 to more than 48 hours; 13.6% had no symptoms. The actions taken to reduce the symptoms were: 57.6% took a bath, 37% took medication, 4.0% applied ice to the injection site and only 2.0% went to the doctor. Conclusion: The Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination (ESAVI) were common in the entire population. It is important to carry out immunization to prevent diseases, educating the population about possible ESAVIs will reduce uncertainty and fear of this.


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