Consumo de marihuana en mujeres y creencias sobre el consumo de marihuana en madres jóvenes

  • Liliana Elizabeth Calderón Botello
  • Luz Ma. Delgadillo Legaspi
  • Maricruz Vidales Jara
  • Verónica Ortega Gámez
Keywords: Marijuana, Marijuana, Women, Students, Nursing, Beliefs


Introduction: Marijuana use is a global health problema due to the effects produced by the intake, generating multiple socioeconomic factors, in young pregnant women an increase in the use of this substance has been observed bringing with it short- and long-term consequences for the consumer and the pregnant product. Method: Sample of 290 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at a Public University in the State of Zacatecas, a personal data card and prevalence of marijuana use was used, followed by three open-ended questions to assess beliefs about marijuana use held by pregnant women and young mothers. Results: Most believe that marijuana use is bad for their health (f=69), but good for therapeutic or medicinal use (f=45), They mention that the main causes of pregnant and breastfeeding women ingesting marijuana is because they believe that it can cause some harm to the baby, such as miscarriages, malformations, or death (f=65). They indicate that it depends on the amount of marijuana consumed to have a negative effect because it is natural (f=4). Conclusions: It is relevant to indicate that some of the participants indicated that the consumption of this substance is bad. depending on the amount because they consider it "natural". Conclusions: It is relevant to point out that some of the participants indicated that the consumption of this substance It's bad, depending on the amount because they consider it "natural."


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